Join Our Markets

Before filling out the inquiry form, please take note of two things:

  1. All of our markets are located in New York.

  2. All non-farm vendors must have a demonstrated connection to local and seasonal agriculture.

Applications now open for the 2022 summer season. We will glady accept inquiries and keep them on file in case any availability opens up.

Please fill out the interest form below after reading our basic requirements; only vendors who meet these requirements will be invited to submit an application. Successful applicants are ones that share our commitment to and passion for local, sustainable farms.

While we love connecting with local farmers and food artisans, we do not have the capacity to respond to all inquiries. We will only respond to vendors who meet our requirements.

Basic Requirements

  • FARMS: We prioritize farms that are within 150 miles of the Markets and that are committed to sustainable agriculture, fair labor practices, and the humane treatment of animals.

  • PREPARED FOOD/BAKED GOODS: All prepared foods and baked goods are required to be produced by the seller. Furthermore, ingredients need to be sourced from local farms if appropriate (i.e. dairy, eggs, vegetables). At minimum, one menu item (though we prefer more) must feature a locally-sourced, seasonal ingredient (sourced from a producer within 150 miles of the Market). NO items can contain synthetic food coloring or flavors, GMO ingredients, high fructose corn-syrup, or trans-fat.

  • ZERO WASTE: In the face of an ever worsening man-made climate crisis, we are working to be part of the solution by eliminating waste at the Market. We do not allow plastic bags or styrofoam and all packaging must be compostable or recyclable. Plastic coated hot cups, plastic coated plates, trays, or boats, single-use plastic cups, plastic utensils, plastic lids, plastic stir sticks, plastic straws, etc. are not allowed.

  • CRAFTS & WELLNESS PRODUCTS: On a very limited basis, we invite vendors who utilize local materials and/or make products to be used in the production, display, or consumption of food, i.e. cutting boards, knives,

  • MISC: We do not accept vendors who sell pet food, multi-level marketing/direct sales products.

  • COVID-19 SAFETY: Our markets are currently operating with strict health precautions. Vendors are required to properly wear effective face masks, maintain social-distancing in their tents, and abide by other public health protocols.

Please ensure that you have the applicable licenses and permits before applying. More information can be found on the Farmers’ Market Federation website and the Westchester County’s Department of Health website.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Pascale Le Draoulec, Market Director.